The pack-rat gene runs on my mother's side of the family, compounded by my own inordinate sentiment toward material things, whether they be clothes or books or knick-knacks. This is how, in my twenty three years on this planet, I have filled my bedroom brimming with clothes, toys, CDs, books and other things. Especially books.
An avid reader dwells beneath my nerdy exterior, and I have amassed hundreds of books in my lifetime. I have so many books that I have never read, let alone opened, because I cannot read them quite as fast as I acquire them. A side effect of growing up, I suppose.
Many people have suggested to me that I should get a Kindle, or a Nook, and I politely explain that the real book lover in me will die hard. I love pages, and words, and I am not ready to abandon convention for convenience.
I do admit a problem: simple living, as I am making best attempts at, involves fewer books than I have. I began this process last summer when I sold back a vast number of my science books. Now, I am forced to take a critical look at what I have, and say, truthfully, do I need all of these books?
The answer, of course, I already know: absolutely not.
As I move toward this next year of service, I continue to reflect on the role of "things" in my life, and I am starting by getting rid of a few more books. =)
Peace and all good,
Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and yet one that we are culturally cut off from understanding and enjoying. The consumption society has made us feel that happiness lies in having things, and has failed to teach us the happiness of not having things.
~ Elise Boulding
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